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ContentsA Study of Accumulation Feature of Chinese Literature Classics……Zhan Furui(2015·1·4)The Distinction among Poems of Poets, Geniuses and Scholars and Its Significance on Poetry…………………………………………………Li Jinsong(2015·1·14)A Restudy of Zhengshizhiyin正始之音…………………………Yuan Jixi(2015·1·24)A Study of Styles of Poems about Buddhism in Eastern Jin Dynasty and Its Evolution……………………………………………Liu Yunhao(2015·1·35) Three Topics on Study of Wenxuan文选……………………Mu Kehong(2015·1·44)Qinzhongyin秦中吟 is not New YueFu 新乐府 :Style Characteristics of Baijuyi’s New Yuefu Poems and the Misunderstanding in Later Ages…………Du Xiaoqin(2015·1·55)The Criticism Meaning of Judgement by Literary Talent in Fu赋 Examination ……………………………………………Xu Jie(2015·1·70)A Study of Composing a Poem Everyday……………Hu Chuanzhi(2015·1·82)The Historical Origin and Poetic Meaning of Verses in Poems…………Xie Yan(2015·1·90) Different Acceptance to the Dynastic Change in the Early Jin Dynasty between Poets of Liao and Song Dynasties and its Influence on Poets in the End of Jin ………………………………………………………Di Baoxin(2015·1·100)The Compilation Method and Mindsets of Zhengbozoujiezhuan征播奏捷传…………………………………………………………………Liao Kebin(2015·1·109)History of Official Institution in Charge of Imperial Music and Its Influence on Drama……………………………………………………………Li Guotao(2015·1·121)The New Changes of Study on Zhuangzi庄子 and Its Relationship with Wang Guowei’s Literary Views………………………Peng Yuping(2015·1·137)A Study of Criticism Function of Illustrations in Chinese Classical Novels …Mao Jie(2015·1·149)Problem of Piracy in Modern Novels Dissemination……Chen Dakang(2015·1·160)A Thousand Years Convention in Chinese Ancient Poetry History: Study of Custom People Shouldn’t Compose Poems when They Are in Mourning……Huang Qiang(2015·1·170)The Construction of New Research System of Ci词 in Ming Dynasty: Several Thoughts on its Precondition………………………………………………Ye Ye(2015·1·182)

作者: 李芳 刘宁
作者单位: 中国社会科学院文学研究所
期刊: 世界民族
年.(期):页码 2015.(1):0-0
