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ContentsLiterary Works Give Priority to “Yiqushense”意趣神色:Rethinking of the Significance of Debate between Tang Xianzu and Shen Jing in Chinese Drama History Huang Shizhong(4)From “Four Dreams of Linchuan”临川四梦 to Linchuanmeng临川梦:Tang Xianzu and Jiang Shiquan’s Spiritual Correlation and Pursuit of Drama Du Guiping(14)The Translation, Performance and Research of Tang Xianzu’s Dramas in English World Xu Yongming(36)A Study of Evolution of Literature Language in Shang and Zhou Dynasties Chen Tongsheng(43)A Study of “Yuefushi”乐府诗 in Han and Tang Dynasties Xie Yufeng(57)The Multidimensional Explanation and Theoretical Meaning of Relationship Between “Shi” 势 and “Mai” 脉 Xiong Xiang(68)Liang Wudi Abandoning Taoism and Approaching Buddhism:The Time, Reasons and Others Bai Juncai(75)Learning from Various Teachers:Du Fu and the Poets of Han, Wei, and the Six Dynasties Xu Gongchi(86)A Study of Five Extant Chronological Biographies of Du Fu Compiled by Song People Zeng Xiangbo(94)The New Characteristics of Travel Essays in Song Dynasty Li Dehui(103)In the Midst of Dynasties: Style Consciousness and Figuration of Travel Essays in Song Dynasty Cheng Wei(117)The Style, Space and Memory of Lou Yao’s Beixingrilu北行日录 Li Gui(126)Wei Liangfu’s “Shuimodiao”水磨调 and His Nanciyinzheng南词引正and Qulü曲律 Zeng Yongyi(135)The Production and Dissermination of Poetry Principle Works in Late Ming Dynasty: Based on a Study of Shifayabiao诗法要标 Chen Guanghong(153)A Round ∴:The Philosophical Path to Fang Yizhi’s Poetry Wu Daofang(164)A Study of Lidaicirenkaolue历代词人考略and Related Problems Peng Yuping(177)

作者单位: 中国社会科学院文学研究所
期刊: 世界民族
年.(期):页码 2016.(4):192-192
